Days Until Our
2023 Conference!

Accelerating resiliency planning in communities across the Commonwealth


Investing in Virginia’s Communities to Secure a Livable Future

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Investing in Virginia’s Communities to Secure a Livable Future

Home » Publications and Media » Resilient Virginia News » Investing in Virginia’s Communities to Secure a Livable Future
Earth Day 2023

Investing Time, Resources, and Energy into Our Communities

Communities face increasing threats from extreme weather events and unpredictable climate patterns while continuing to experience economic, environmental, health, and other social stresses. It is critical that communities identify, address, and prepare for these risks and challenges to secure a livable future. This takes an enormous investment of time, resources, and energy.

While we need to be investing in our planet and communities every day, Earth Day is an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to securing a more livable future for all. When we invest our time, resources, and energy into addressing climate, social, and economic risks, this investment can positively impact communities for generations.

This year, Resilient Virginia is strategically investing our time, resources, and energy into our communities while staying true to our goals of Informing, Educating, and Activating. We would like to take the opportunity this Earth Day to let you know about a few of these activities.

2023 Resilient Virginia Conference

Register Now for the 2023 Resilient Virginia Conference

We have been busy planning our 2023 Resilient Virginia Conference, which will be held August 1st-2nd at UVA’s Darden School of Business with the option to attend virtually. This year’s conference will focus on how local governments, organizations, businesses, and higher education institutions can tap into the vast amount of funding that is now available for resilience initiatives, research, and planning efforts. This unprecedented economic funding can assist communities develop and implement strategies that will help them remain economically viable and socially vibrant places to work and live for years to come. Registration Opens April 30, 2023!

Website Relaunch

We decided that our website needed a spring cleaning. We are making it easier to navigate, learn about resilience, find resources and tools, and learn more about the on-the-ground work Resilient Virginia is doing. We are in the final stages of this reorganization and the new website design should be live soon.

Resilient Virginia Resource Hub

Along with our newly cleaned and organized website, we are excited to announce the launch of the Resilient Virginia Resource Hub. We have spent the last year working on this and would like to recognize all of the hard work that our student interns put into this essential tool. We are taking advantage of easily navigable software to provide a way for you to find the tools and resources that can help your community plan for resilience. With the addition of hundreds of additional resources, this will become an invaluable tool for those who are working on resilience initiatives. The Resilient Virginia Resource Hub will launch at the same time as our website relaunch.

How You Can Invest in Virginia's Communities With Us

Support the 2023 Resilient Virginia Conference

The 2023 Resilient Virginia Conference brings together participants from federal, state, and local governments; local and national businesses; representatives from higher education; and community organizations to learn about a diverse array of resiliency topics.

Participants in the 2023 Conference will:

  • Learn about federal programs that are distributing IIJA and ERA funds, as well as state-level funding initiatives;
  • Discover business development options ranging from new climate entrepreneurships to growing demand for climate-resilient infrastructure and energy sources;
  • Gain insights on resilience policy progress in Virginia and across the region;
  • Compare local Climate Action Plans and Climate Resiliency Plans in Virginia jurisdictions and in neighboring states;
  • Engage in networking with resiliency businesses, government representatives, and institutional and community organizations; and
  • Take away tools for resiliency planning that help communities deal with increased hazards while addressing equity considerations for vulnerable citizens.

You can support the conference by registering to attend (opens April 30th), sponsoring, and joining our Planning Committee (email Tracy at for more information).

Resilient Virginia members receive a discount on the conference registration. Learn more about membership below.

Join Resilient Virginia

Your membership to Resilient Virginia is an investment in Virginia’s communities – helping us provide outstanding services and programs, including educational opportunities to an extensive audience from the government, local and national businesses, higher education, and community groups; working with university students to gain real-world experience on resilience issues; and on-the-ground assistance to communities across the state.

With your membership you have access to reliable, timely, and relevant information; discounts to all of our educational webinars and conferences where you will learn from expert speakers in the resiliency field; access to videos and slides from our previous academies and conference; and an invitation to our listening and planning sessions where you can help us determine the path that will be most impactful.

Celebrating Earth Day in Virginia

Looking for an Earth Day celebration near you? Check out our Earth Day 2023 Around Virginia post.

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The Resilience Calendar

  • Virtual listening session for the Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Action Plan
    Date: September 7, 2024

    Cluster 2: Prince George's County and Montgomery County

    Learn more and register here

  • Brownfields, Gentrification, and Environmental Justice Research: Learning from Past Experiences
    Date: September 10, 2024

    This webinar summarizes the findings from a three-year research project in collaboration with EPA Region 3 and Region 5. The project used case studies to investigate the types of social outcomes brownfield redevelopment has on communities,…

  • 10th CEEJH Environmental Justice Symposium: Environmental Justice Past, Present, and Future
    Date: September 11, 2024

    The 10th Environmental Justice Symposium is being hosted by the Community Engagement, Environmental Justice, and Health Center at the University of Maryland, School of Public Health from Wednesday, September 11th to Saturday, September 14 and…

  • Macroeconomic Implications of Decarbonization Policies and Actions
    Date: September 12, 2024

    The interplay between decarbonization strategies and the macroeconomy plays a crucial role in informing equitable and effective public policy. Join the National Academies on September 12 and 13, 2024 for a workshop exploring the macroeconomic and socioeconomic…

Latest News & Resources

2024 Resilient Virginia Annual Meeting

Our 2024 Annual Meeting was held in Charlottesville on July 25th at the Virginia Department of Forestry. Guest presenters included Shana Udvardy, Senior Climate Resilience Policy Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists (updates on national resilience programs), and Matt Wells, Director, VA Department of Conservation and Recreation (updates on state-level programs).

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Resilient Virginia News: Spring 2024

Creating a Climate-Ready Virginia; Program and Project Updates; Board of Directors Updates;
Resources and Funding; EJ TCTACS; Solar for All; USDA Grants and Loans; FEMA National; Resilience Guidance; National Climate Resilience Framework; MARISA Tools; All Hazard Mitigation Planning Program; Charlottesville, Virginia Shows How Small Cities Can take a Lead on Zero-Emissions Public Transit; Rural Universities Experiment with ‘Innovation Hubs’; FEMA Announces $300 Million to Strengthen Community Resilience to Flooding; Biden-Harris Administration Invests $4.55 Million for Community Heat Resilience Through Investing in America Agenda; more.

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Creating a Climate-Ready Virginia

Climate readiness is about building holistic resilience. It involves taking targeted action to preserve and improve Virginia’s economy, infrastructure, and resources while safeguarding our community members’ health, safety, and quality of life.

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5th National Climate Assessment

The Fifth National Climate Assessment is the US Government’s preeminent report on climate change impacts, risks, and responses. It is a congressionally mandated interagency effort that provides the scientific foundation to support informed decision-making across the United States.

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