PreventionWeb’s Disaster Resilience Scorecard provides a baseline for buildings and campus resilience to natural hazards or man-made disasters. The Building Scorecard is a downloadable spreadsheet intended for use by the owners, managers and operators of commercial, industrial and multi-residential buildings or campuses, both government- and privately owned.
Some of the essentials that make up the scoring include how the source organizes for resilience, uses current and future risk scenarios, strengthens financial capacity for resilience, pursues resilient urban development, safeguards natural buffers, strengthens institutional and social capacities, increases infrastructure resilience, ensures effective disaster response, and builds back better.
The scorecard helps readers identify which sources for resilience planning to use in specific areas of information processing and analyses. If a community needs guidance in a specific area of risk management (ecosystem services, financials, disaster preparation, and responses, etc.), they can use the spreadsheet to locate a source that has information for that specific topic.
PreventionWeb is global knowledge sharing platform for disaster risk reduction and resilience from the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Click here for more information.