FEMA’s web-based Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool includes a combination of three types of data: community resilience indicators, infrastructure entities, and hazard information. The website also provides a RAPT user guide, so people can learn the various features and tools available to them.
A summary list of all RAPT data layers and data sources for each layer is also provided. The RAPT StoryMap provides a quick overview of the webmap and ideas on how it can help users examine the interplay of population, infrastructure, and hazard data. By combining data layers, users can create community maps to inform preparedness, response and recovery strategies.
Analysis tools allow users to identify infrastructure within a defined area and calculate population counts. Users can also download data from RAPT for further analysis. The website reviews how to access the infrastructure data layers, as well as how to identify the sources of all data layers. It also demonstrates how to visualize the data on the map as well as download the data using the attribute table.
This tool can be used to access the hazard data layers and identify the sources of all data layers. Included is background information on the National Risk Index (NRI) tool and NRI layers included in RAPT.
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