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2016 Resilient Virginia Conference

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2016 Resilient Virginia Conference

Home » Resilient Virginia Events » Resilient Virginia Conferences » 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference

2016 Resilient Virginia Conference

“Activating Communities and Businesses for a More Resilient Future”

March 22–23, 2016  |  Richmond, Virginia


The 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference took place March 22–23, 2016 at the Greater Richmond Convention Center in Richmond, Virginia. The first statewide conference on resiliency activated community and business stakeholders around the Commonwealth:

  • to learn about resiliency planning to address current and future environmental, social, and economic challenges, and
  • to become leaders in their communities to address formulating plans for a resilient future.

View the complete conference agenda here.

Our agenda included speakers on:

  • national security and resiliency,
  • adaptation strategies for the built environment,
  • risks to infrastructure and solutions,
  • challenges for the agricultural sector,
  • developments in emergency preparedness,
  • tools for resiliency planning,
  • outstanding examples of community resiliency, and
  • the business case for resiliency planning.

The Conference also provided a forum for highlighting progress in implementing the Virginia Climate Change and Resiliency Update Commission’s recommendations and the Clean Power Plan, and a review of this year’s related General Assembly actions.

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Event Resources

Photos from the 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference are provided courtesy of Jim Pierobon.

Photos from the 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference
Click to launch slideshow

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Agenda & Speakers

The 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference provided a unique forum to inform, educate, and activate communities across Virginia about the benefits of resiliency planning. It offered Virginia communities and businesses:

  • Critical information on the rationale for resiliency planning, including national security, climate change, and economic factors;
  • Options and resources from the national, state and local levels for local resiliency planning; and
  • Opportunities for in-depth learning experiences involving expert speakers and facilitated discussions.

Plenary sessions featured national public and private speakers who addressed environmental, economic, and national security aspects of resiliency, as well as highlighted the economic value to both governments and corporations of adopting resiliency measures in their policies and operations.

Breakout sessions provided in-depth presentations on critical aspects of resiliency including infrastructure and building design, emergency management and resilient disaster recovery, and ensuring successful food production in the face of economic or climate uncertainty.





8:00–8:15 AM
Welcome: Jerry Walker CEM, LEED AP, Resilient Virginia Chairman and Henrico County Energy Manager

Plenary Speakers

8:15–8:45 AM
The Honorable Brian Moran, Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security: Virginia Resiliency Strategies and Climate Commission Recommendations

8:45–9:30 AM
Alan Hecht, Ph.D., Director for Sustainability, Office of Research and Development, US Environmental Protection Agency and
Cecil Rodrigues, Deputy Regional Administrator, US Environmental Protection Agency Region 3

Alan Hecht Presentation
Click to launch Alan Hecht Presentation

Click to launch Cecil Rodrigues Presentation
Click to launch Cecil Rodrigues Presentation

9:30–10:00 AM
Donald Lumpkins, JD, MPA, Director, National Integration Center, FEMA, US Department of Homeland Security

10:00–10:30 AM
Harriet Tregoning, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Harriet Tregoning Presentation
Click to launch Harriet Tregoning Presentation

10:40–11:40 AM
Resiliency in Hampton Roads—A Regional Model for Resiliency Planning
Speakers: Emily Steinhilber, Assistant Director of Coastal Resilience Research, ODU
Michelle Covi, Assistant Professor of Practice, ODU
Ben McFarlane, Senior Regional Planner, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
Adam Thiel, Assistant Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security, Office of the Governor.

Facilitator: Shawn Talmadge, Homeland Security and Resilience Staff Director, Office of the Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security

Emily Steinhilber Presentation
Click to launch Emily Steinhilber Presentation

Michelle Covi Presentation
Click to launch Michelle Covi Presentation

Adam Thiel Presentation
Click to launch Adam Thiel Presentation

11:40–12:10       BREAK WITH EXHIBITORS


Panel Presentation: General Assembly Updates and the Clean Power Plan Implementation
Francis Hodsoll, President, SolUnesco
Angela Navarro, Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources, Office of the Governor
Katherine Bond, Director of Public Policy, Dominion
Walton Shepherd, Staff Attorney, NRDC

Francis Hodsoll Presentation
Click to launch Francis Hodsoll Presentation

1:50–2:00 PM       BREAK


Track: Integrating Resiliency into Building and Community Design

Track: Resiliency Strategies in Agriculture and Rural Communities

Track: Adapting Infrastructure for Resiliency

Track: Resiliency’s Role in Emergency Management


Session 1:       Factors in Building and Community Resiliency

MODERATOR: Jerry Walker, CEM, LEED AP, Henrico County
Daniel Slone, Partner, McGuire Woods LLP: Creating Resiliency in Buildings and Communities
Lindsay Brugger, AIA, Manager, Resilient Communities, The American Institute of Architects: LEED Resiliency Pilot Credits and AIA’s Resiliency Initiative
Paula Loomis, Deputy Director for Facilities, US Coast Guard: Resilient Design for Coast Guard Buildings

Jerry Walker Presentation
Click to launch Jerry Walker slideshow

Daniel Slone Presentation
Click to launch Daniel Slone Presentation

Lindsay Brugger Presentation
Click to launch Lindsay Brugger Presentation

Session 2:       Agriculture and Forest Management in Times of Climate Variability

MODERATOR: Erin Stanforth, Virginia Commonwealth University
Steve McNulty, Ph.D., Director, Southeast Climate Research Hub, USDA: Southeast US Climate Factors
Emily Bock, Ph.D. Student, Biological Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech: Virginia Perspective on Climate Variability and Agriculture
Tammy Stephenson, Program Coordinator, Water Supply Planning, VA DEQ: Virginia 2015 Water Supply Report

Emily Bock Presentation
Click to launch Emily Bock Presentation

Tammy Stephenson Presentation
Click to launch Tammy Stephenson Presentation

Session 3:       Infrastructure Risks and Opportunities

MODERATOR: Speaker Pollard, Williams Mullen
Colonel Jason Kelly, Commander, Norfolk District, US Army Corps of Engineers: Infrastructure Challenges for the Military and Community
Edgar Westerhof, US Flood Risk and Resiliency Lead, Arcadis: Perspectives from NY, Norfolk and Europe
Cliona Robb, LEED AP, Partner, Christian Barton LLP: Energy Security and Long Range Planning

View Colonel Jason Kelly/US Army Corps of Engineers Video

Cliona Robb Presentation
Click to launch Cliona Robb Presentation

Session 4:       Building Resiliency into Emergency Preparedness

MODERATOR: Harry E. Gregori, Jr., Gregori Consulting, LLC
Matthew Wall, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, VDEM: State Resiliency and Emergency Preparedness Initiatives
James Redick, MPA, CEM, Director, Norfolk Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response: Coastal Resiliency and Emergency Programs
Edward Stein, Manager, Business Development, Enersys: Providing Power in Emergencies

Edward Stein Presentation
Click to launch Edward Stein Presentation

3:30–3:40 PM       BREAK


Session 5:       Tools for Resiliency in Buildings and Communities

MODERATOR: Jim Pierobon, Southeast Energy News
Rebecca Flora, AICP, LEED ND-BD+C, Sustainable Communities Practice Leader, Ecology & Environment Inc.: Building a Lasing Culture of Resiliency In Colorado
Greg Mella, FAIA, Discipline Leader, Sustainable Design, SmithGroupJJR: Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Net-Zero Energy, Water and Waste Living Building
Jerry Walker, CEM, LEED AP, Energy Manager, Henrico County: Henrico County Moves Toward Resiliency

Rebecca Flora Presentation
Click to launch Rebecca Flora Presentation

Greg Mella Presentation
Click to launch Greg Mella Presentation

Session 6:       Tools for Agricultural and Rural Resiliency

MODERATOR: Kimberly Davis, Kimberly V. Davis & Associates
Steven McNulty, Ph.D., Director, Southeast Climate Research Hub: Resources for the Southeast Region
Eric Bendfeldt, Extension Specialist, Community Viability, Virginia Cooperative Extension: Resources for Virginia Farmers and Foresters
Janice Stroud-Bickes, Assistant to the State Director, USDA Rural Development: Diversifying Rural Opportunities

Janice Stroud-Bickes Presentation
Click to launch Janice Stroud-Bickes Presentation

Session 7:       Tools for Infrastructure Resiliency Planning

MODERATOR: Tracy Winkelman Ruff, P.E., Kine Vue Consulting
Teresa McAllister, Ph.D., Leader, Community Resilience Group, NIST: Community Resilience Planning Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure Systems
Denise Nelson, PE, ENV SP, LEED AP, Vice President for Public Education, Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure: The Envision Guidelines
Mathew Mampara, PE, Associate Vice President, Dewberry: Assessing Resiliency in Airport Operations

Teresa McAllister Presentation
Click to launch Teresa McAllister Presentation

Denise Nelson Presentation
Click to launch Denise Nelson Presentation

Session 8:       Tools for Resiliency in Emergency Preparedness

MODERATOR: Alex McLellan, Resilience Thinking Institute
Christine Wagner, OSC, Federal On Scene Coordinator, US EPA Region 3: Lessons Learned from EPA Emergency Response in Virginia Communities
Charley Banks, CFM, Floodplain Manager, State NFIP Coordinator, VA DCR: FEMA Community Rating System
Joshua Murphy, Geospatial Solutions Program, NOAA Office for Coastal Management: Digital Coast Platform’s Resiliency Tools


Wednesday, March 23



Track: Urban Focus Track: Rural Focus Track: Coastal Focus


Session 9:       Urban Resiliency and Economic Opportunities

MODERATOR: Annette Osso, Resilient Virginia
Cooper Martin, Director, Sustainability Program, Sustainable Cities Institute, National League of Cities: Economics as a Factor in Urban Resilience
Panel: Economic Drivers of Resiliency
Saskia Mollet, CDP Cities, North America
Tiphany Lee-Allen, Analyst, Public Finance Group, Moody’s Investors Service
Alicia Zatcoff, JD. Sustainability Manager, City of Richmond

Session 10:       Economic Challenges in Rural Communities

MODERATOR: Daniel Michaelson
Andrew Sorrell, AICP, Coordinator, Office of Farmland Preservation, VDACS: Economics of Farm Preservation
Stephen Versen, AFID Fund Coordinator, VDACS: AFID and the Agricultural Development Board Guide
Jonathan Miles, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Integrated Science and Technology, JMU: Wind energy production options for farms

Andrew Sorrell Presentation
Click to launch Andrew Sorrell Presentation

Stephen Versen Presentation
Click to launch Stephen Versen Presentation

Session 11:       Economic Impacts of Coastal Resiliency

MODERATOR: Speaker Pollard, Williams Mullen
Speaker Pollard, Partner, Williams Mullen: Overview of Economic Impacts
Kit Chope, Vice President, Sustainability, Port of Virginia: Challenges for Port Operations
Katharine Burgess, Director, Urban Resilience, Urban Land Institute

Kit Chope Presentation
Click to launch Kit Chope Presentation

Katharine Burgess Presentation
Click to launch Katharine Burgess Presentation


Session 12:       Urban Resiliency Capacity Building

MODERATOR: Kimberly Davis, Kimberly V. Davis & Associates
Emily Snyder, Ph.D., Deputy National Program Director, Homeland Security Research Program, US EPA: Framework for Urban Emergency Preparedness
Nell Boyle, Sustainability & Outreach Coordinator, City of Roanoke: Public-Private Programs for Building Resiliency
John Broughton, Analyst, Marstel-Day LLC: CLEAR Plan for the Fredericksburg Area

Emily Snyder Presentation
Click to launch Emily Snyder Presentation

Nell Boyle Presentation
Click to launch Nell Boyle Presentation

Session 13:       Rural Resiliency Capacity Building

MODERATOR: Andrew Sorrell, VDACS
Rebecca Joyce, Program Manager, Senior Planner, Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission: Disaster Resilience through Shenandoah Valley Project Impact
Ashley Nauta, Extension Agent, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Virginia Cooperative Extension: Agritourism in Southern Virginia

Andrew Sorrell Presentation
Click to launch Andrew Sorrell Presentation

Ashley Nauta Presentation
Click to launch Ashley Nauta Presentation

Session 14:       Coastal Resiliency Capacity Building

MODERATOR: Erin Stanforth, Virginia Commonwealth University
Christine Morris, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Norfolk: Moving Forward on Norfolk’s Resiliency Plan
Gwynn Crichton, Ph.D., Senior Project Scientist, The Nature Conservancy: Eastern Shore Resiliency Project
Brian Batten, Ph.D., Senior Coastal Scientist and Technical Leader, Dewberry: Virginia Beach Sea Level Rise Plan


Moving Ahead with Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies in the Commonwealth

Regional Resilience Dashboard
Adam Thiel
, Deputy Secretary for Public Safety and Homeland Security, Office of the Governor
Paul McGowan, Managing Director, Consulting Services, Center for Innovative Technology

Adam Thiel and Paul McGowan Presentation
Click to launch Adam Thiel and Paul McGowan Presentation

Science Museum of Virginia’s Learn, Prepare, Act Program
Eugene Maurakis
, Ph.D., Museum Scientist, Science Museum of Virginia

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Resilient Virginia Conference Partners

Thanks to our State Partners including:

  • Get Ready! Emergency Planning Center
  • Greater Virginia Green Building Council
  • Leaders in Energy (LERCPA)
  • State Universities
  • Virginia Association of Counties
  • Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
  • Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
  • Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
  • Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development
  • Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy
  • Virginia Municipal League

National Partners include:

  • American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE)
  • CDP—Driving Sustainable Economies
  • National League of Cities Sustainable Cities Institute
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture Southeast Climate Research Hub
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Resiliency Visionary Sponsors


Resiliency Benefactor Sponsor


Resiliency Leader Sponsors

Christian & Barton, LLP Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (VA DHCD)
Virginia Resources Authority (VRA) Water Management Inc.

Resiliency Supporter Sponsors

2rw Apex Clean Energy
AEP Appalachian Power Dewberry
Ecology & Environment, Inc. Hazen and Sawyer
Johnson Controls logo-marstel-day
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative (ODEC) Stantec
The Nature Conservancy Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) Williams Mullen

Media Sponsor

Southeast Energy News
Sign up for Southeast Energy News via this link.

Additional Conference Supporters

Sponsor Reception Host

Breakfast Sponsor
Marion Construction
Copying and Marketing Support

Printing Support

Conference Management Support

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Planning Committee

Conference Planning Committee

We are pleased that our Conference Planning Committee included representatives from national organizations, state and local government, the private sector, and academia.

Annette Osso, LEED AP, Managing Director, Resilient Virginia
Jerry Walker, CEM, LEED AP, County of Henrico, and Chairman, Resilient Virginia

Georgiana Ball, Consultant
Charley Banks, VA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Sharon Baxter, VA Department of Environmental Quality
Nell Boyle, LEED AP, City of Roanoke
Karl Bren (Retired)
Tracy Browne, Balfour Beatty
Tim Cole, Virginia Beach Public Schools
Michelle Covi, Ph.D., Old Dominion University
Brendan Doyle, ORD, US EPA
Bryna Dunn, AICP, LEED Fellow, Moseley Architects
Jane Frantz, Dewberry
Harry Gregori, Gregori Consulting LLC
Alan Hecht, ORD, US EPA
Lori Herrick, City of Virginia Beach
Jeremy Holmes, Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission
Robin Jones, VA Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy
Charles Kline, VA Department of Conservation and Recreation
Joe Lerch, Virginia Municipal League
Cooper Martin, National League of Cities
Ben McFarlane, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission
Anne McRay, County of Henrico
Steven McNulty, Ph.D., USDA Southeast Regional Climate Hub
Jonathan Miles, Ph.D., James Madison University
Saskia Mollet, CDP
Charlotte Moore, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors
Scott Nelles, Sustainable Water
Henry Pollard, Williams Mullen
Mari Radford, FEMA
Lorna Rosenberg, Region 3, USEPA
Tracy Ruff, Kine Vue LLC
Daniel Slone, McGuire Woods, PLC
Andrew Sorrell, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Erin Stanforth, Virginia Commonwealth University
Pamela Vosburgh, Resilient Virginia Board of Directors

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Contact info

For more information on the 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference, please contact:

Annette Osso, LEED AP, Managing Director, Resilient Virginia
Telephone: (703) 486-2966
Mobile: (703) 629-1650
Mail: Resilient Virginia
PO Box 6539
Arlington, VA 22206

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The Resilience Calendar

  • Ecological Forestry in the Context of Climate Change Webinar Series
    Date: August 20, 2024

    This 12-part monthly webinar series tells a story about how small- and large-scale forest disturbances, such as fire, wind, ice storms, hurricanes, sea-level rise, flooding, introduced and endemic forest pests, and others, impact forest…

  • EPA National EJ Community Engagement Call
    Date: August 20, 2024

    The purpose of these calls is to inform communities about EPA's environmental justice work and enhance opportunities to maintain an open dialogue with environmental justice advocates.

    Learn more and register

Latest News & Resources

2024 Resilient Virginia Annual Meeting

Our 2024 Annual Meeting was held in Charlottesville on July 25th at the Virginia Department of Forestry. Guest presenters included Shana Udvardy, Senior Climate Resilience Policy Analyst, Union of Concerned Scientists (updates on national resilience programs), and Matt Wells, Director, VA Department of Conservation and Recreation (updates on state-level programs).

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