Accelerating resiliency planning in communities across the Commonwealth


2019 Resilient Virginia Conference

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2019 Resilient Virginia Conference

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The 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference

Connecting Rural and Urban Communities for a Resilient Future

July 18–19, 2019  |  Charlottesville, Virginia


Read about our third statewide conference on resiliency!

Resilient Virginia held its 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference on July 18–19 at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia. A photo gallery of this event appears below; event presenations will be posted soon.

This year’s theme, Connecting Rural and Urban Communities for a Resilient Future, highlights the roles of Virginia’s rural and urban communities in addressing challenges they face from increased disruption by extreme weather events, climate change, national security risks, and on-going concerns related to economic and community health.

The 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference brings together participants from state and local governments, local and national businesses, and representatives from higher education and community organizations to learn about a diverse array of resiliency topics — ranging from resilient building and infrastructure design, reducing emissions from the transportation sector, resiliency in mitigation and emergency management planning, health and equity concerns, economic opportunities, and the role of ecosystems and agricultural practices in mitigation.

Participants will:

  • Gain insights on Governor Northam’s resiliency initiatives;
  • Develop an understanding of resiliency progress in Virginia jurisdictions and in neighboring states;
  • Engage in networking with resiliency businesses, government representatives, and institutional and community organizations; and
  • Take away tools that can be used for resiliency planning in their own communities. Virginia Green Event

The 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference is a certified Virginia Green event.

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch slideshow

“Well worth attending for the diverse topics, people, and interactions!”
“Well worth attending for the diverse topics, people, and interactions!”

Agenda & Speakers

The 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference provides a unique and multi-faceted forum to inform, educate, and activate communities across Virginia about the benefits of resiliency planning.

7:00–8:45 am Registration and Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:45–9:00 am Plenary Session 1 – Main Auditorium
Welcome and Recognition of Sponsors
Andrew Sorrell, Chairman, Resilient Virginia, and Deputy Director, Tobacco Commission
Annette Osso, Managing Director, Resilient Virginia

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Introduction Presentation

9:00–10:15 am Panel: Setting the Stage – Addressing Challenges and Finding Solutions

  • Joshua Saks, Deputy Secretary of Natural Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia
  • Karen McGlathery, Ph.D., Director, Environmental Resilience Institute and Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
  • Brad Townsend, Senior Solutions Fellow and Innovation Director, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
  • Jane English, Environmental and Climate Justice, NAACP

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Joshua Saks Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Karen McGlathery Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Brad Townsend Presentation

10:15–10:30 am BREAK with Exhibitors
10:30 am–12:00 pm Morning Breakout Sessions

A Resiliency Role for Ecosystems

Robbie Talbert, Virginia Department of Forestry — The Value of Trees
Chandler van Voorhis, ACRE Investment Management LLC — Carbon Pricing and the Healthy Watersheds Project
Darren Coffey, The Berkley Group — Orange and Essex Counties Pilot for the Healthy Watersheds Project

MODERATOR Ellen Graap Loth, CPEA, CHMMl, Cardno Inc.

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Robbie Talbert Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Chandler van Voorhis Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Darren Coffey Presentation

Moving the Clean Tech Economy Forward

Michael Lenox, Ph.D., Darden School of Business, UVA — Moving the Clean Tech Economy Forward
Janine Finnell, Leaders in Energy — The Role for Circular Economy
Emily Yates, Urban Revolution Group — Circular Charlotte

MODERATOR Janine Finnell, Leaders in Energy

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Michael Lenox Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Janine Finnell Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Emily Yates Presentation

Equity and Affordable Housing

Karen Campblin, Environmental and Climate Justice, NAACP-VA — Equity in Community Resilience Planning
Barbara Brown Wilson, Ph.D., Urban & Environmental Planning, UVA — Community Driven Design
Liz Chapman, AIA, LEED AP ND, Grimm + Parker Architects — Accountable Community Engagement Leading Redevelopment: A Case Study

MODERATOR Nina Morris, Office for Sustainability, UVA

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Equity and Affordable Housing Presentations

Getting to Resilient Buildings

Alysson Blackwelder, USGBC — LEED Products for Resiliency
Steve Sunderman, RA, LEED AP BD+C, BPI, Terrazia PC — Designing for Durability
Maureen Roskoski, CFM, SFP, LEED AP O+M, ISO 22301 Lead Auditor, Facility Engineering Associates PC — Resilient Facility Operations

MODERATOR Cindy Zork, USGBC Virginia

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Getting to Resilient Buildings Presentation

National and State Views

JiQiu (JQ) Yuan, P.E., Ph.D., PMP, Multi-Hazard Mitigation, NIBS — Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves and Next Steps
Ann Phillips, Rear Admiral, US Navy (Ret), Coastal Adaptation and Protection, Virginia Office of the Governor — Updates on Coastal Adaptation and Protection in Virginia
Robbie Coates, Virginia Department of Emergency Management — State Mitigation Programs

MODERATOR Erin Sutton, MS, CEM, PMP, Virginia Beach Office of Energy Management

Noon–1:00 pm Lunch and Networking — Main Dining Hall
1:00–2:15 pm Plenary Session 2 — Main Auditorium
Rural and Urban Resiliency: A Dialogue on Interdependence
Moderator: Jonah Fogel, Ph.D, Program Manager, Environmental Resilience Institute, UVA

  • Anthony Flaccavento, Founder and President, SCALE: Sequestering Carbon, Accelerating Local Economies
  • Amy Thompson, AICP, LEED AP ND, Senior Planner and Jon Penndorf, FAIA, Sustainability Leader, Perkins + Will

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Anthony Flaccavento Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Amy Thompson Presentation

2:15–2:30 pm BREAK with Exhibitors
2:30–3:30 pm Afternoon Breakout Sessions

A Resiliency Role for Agriculture

Tod Wickersham, Beneficial Results, LLC — Soil Health and Agricultural Practices Introduction
Dena Liebman, Future Harvest/CASA — Maryland and Regional Agricultural Initiatives
Chris Lawrence, NRCS-USDA (video) — Soil Health Science
Brent Wills, Virginia Association of Biological Farmers — Experience from the Field

MODERATOR Tod Wickersham, Beneficial Results LLC

Innovative Business Opportunities

Courtney Dozier, Virginia Office of the Governor — Virginia’s Broadband Initiative
Tim Denning, Ascent Virginia — Business Opportunities Connecting Urban & Rural
Taylor Brown, SunTribe Solar — Solar for Economic Expansion in Southwest Virginia

MODERATOR Jennifer Woofter, Strategic Sustainability Consulting

Health and Climate Change

Dr. Samantha Ahdoot, Virginia Clinicians for Climate Action — Overview of Climate Change Health Impacts
Charles Goyette, Sustainability, Inova Health System — Hospital Sustainability and Climate Change Education
Dr. Kyle Enfield, Internal Medicine, UVA Health System — Respiratory Health Impacts

MODERATOR Rebecca Dillingham, MD/MPH, Center for Global Health, UVA

Transportation's Role in Mitigation

Alleyn Harned, Virginia Clean Cities — Decarbonizing Transportation, the Big Picture
Chris Bast, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality — The VW Settlement and Regional Electrification
Rebecca Duff, Battan Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, UVA — Path to 2060: Electrification of the Auto Industry

MODERATOR Alleyn Harned, Virginia Clean Cities

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Alleyn Harned Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Chris Bast Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Rebecca Duff Presentation

Regional Mitigation and Financing Programs

Joanne Throwe and Dan Nees, Center for Global Sustainability, University of Maryland — US EPA’s Program to Assess Resiliency and Develop Adaptation Financing
Debra Knopman, MARISA (Mid-Atlantic Regional Sciences & Assessments) and Pamela Braff, VIMS – MARISA — Regional Resiliency Resources from a NOAA-Funded Program

MODERATOR Sirirat Tavanapong, Advance Planning, Jacobs

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Debra Knopman Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Pamela Braff Presentation

3:30–3:40 pm BREAK with Exhibitors
3:40–4:40 pm Late Afternoon Breakout Sessions

Economics for Rural Vitality

Anthony Flaccavento, SCALE — Rural Economics from the Ground Up
French Price, Virginia Cooperative Extension — Farm to Table Connections through the Value Chain
Michael Reilly, Slow Money Virginia — Financing the Virginia Foodshed

MODERATOR Michael Reilly, Slow Money

Financing the Low-Carbon Economy

Mary Margaret Frank, Ph.D., Darden School of Business, UVA — Impact Investing
Greg Montgomery, Clean Source Capital — Green Bonds for Infrastructure Financing
Abigail Johnson, Virginia PACE Authority — CPACE for Resiliency

MODERATOR David Saverese, Jacobs

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Mary Margaret Frank Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Greg Montgomery Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Abigail Johnson Presentation

Healthy Food Access

Beth Schermerhorn, Cambrium Collective — VCE Harrisonburg Study & Chesapeake Foodshed Network
Jeanette Abi-Nadar, City Schoolyard Garden — Charlottesville Food Justice Network
Sam Lev, LEAP for Local Food — Roanoke’s Food Access Program
Sally Schwitters, Tricycle Garden — Urban Agriculture and Access

MODERATOR Beth Schermerhorn, Cambrium Collective

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Beth Schermerhorn Presentation

Advancing Infrastructure Adaptation

Corey Miles, Northern Virginia Regional Commission — Planning for Resilient Critical Infrastructure in Northern Virginia
Scott Smith, Public Works, Coastal Resiliency, City of Norfolk — Update on Norfolk’s Ohio Creek Project
Tanya Denckla Cobb, Institute for Engagement and Negotiation, UVA — Identifying Critical Infrastructure Adaptation Needs on Virginia’s Eastern Shore

MODERATOR Angela King, Virginia Coastal Policy Center, W&M

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch slideshow

Efficiency and Solar + Storage for Resilience

Mary Shoemaker, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) — Energy Efficiency’s Role in Resiliency
Seth Mullendore, Clean Energy Group — Solar + Storage’s Potential for Resiliency in the Southeast US
David Comis, Maryland Energy Administration — Maryland’s Resiliency Hubs Program

MODERATOR Vestal Tutterow, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Mary Shoemaker Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Seth Mullendore Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch David Comis Presentation

4:45–5:45 pm Plenary Session 3: Main Auditorium
Moving Virginia Forward — Policy and Programs


  • Jewel Bronaugh, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs
  • Chris Wiegard, Virginia Co-Coordinator, Citizens Climate Lobby
  • Lee Williams, Co-Coordinator, Virginia Green New Deal
  • Karla Loeb, Charlottesville Renewable Energy Alliance/Chief Policy and Development Officer, Sigora Solar

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Jewel Bronaugh Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Chris Wiegard Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Lee Williams Presentation

7:30–8:45 am Registration and Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors
8:45–10:00 am Plenary Session 4: Main Auditorium
Panel: Resilience Progress: Virginia and the Region
Steve Walz, Environmental Program Director, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

  • Steve Walz, Environmental Program Director, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
  • Climate Action Together (CAT) Team
    • Andrea Trimble, CEM, LEED AP BD+C, O+M, Director, Office of Sustainability, UVA
    • Susan Elliott, Climate Protection Program Manager, City of Charlottesville
    • Narissa Turner, Climate Program Coordinator, County of Albemarle
  • Ben McFarlane, Senior Regional Planner, Hampton Roads Planning District Commission

No presentations were used for this session.

10:15 am–12:15 pm Creating Resilient Communities — Workshops

An interactive workshop on team building, risk assessment, and prioritizing solutions. Participants will take away the NIST-based guide for resiliency planning.

Workshop Co-Leaders
Maureen Roskoski, CFM, SFP, LEED AP O+M, ISO 22301 Lead Auditor, Facility Engineering Associates PC
Ryan Snow, Director, Market Transformation + Development, USGBC

Presenters will address electric buses, biofuels, disaster resilience with alternative-fueled vehicles, and universities helping develop community transportation alternatives.

Mark Roberts, CEO, Sonny Merryman — EV for Clean Transit and Pupil Transit
Susan Susanke, Vice President, Sustainable Energy Strategies — Low Carbon Biofuels
Cassie Powers, Managing Director, Programs, NASEO — Disaster Resilience with Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Francis Chase Collins, Community Acceleration with Universities

Moderator David Robinson, Creative Director, Birch Studio

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Mark Roberts Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Susan Susanke Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Cassie Powers Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Francis Chase Collins Presentation

Learn about this new standard for helping design buildings and communities that can withstand severe weather and other disasters from the Perkins + Will developer and USGBC.

Workshop Leaders
Douglas Pierce, AIA, LEED Fellow, SMaRT AP, Senior Associate, Perkins + Will
Susan Dorn, General Counsel, USGBC

Eligible for GBCI Continuing Education Credits

Resilient Virginia 2019 Conference Click to launch RELi—For Resilient Building Design Presentation

Local governments provide “how to get involved” and “lessons learned” information on this federal program that promotes resiliency improvements and lower insurance rates.

Workshop Presenters
Ken Somerset, Building Official, Floodplain Manager, Town of Poquoson
Jonet Prevost-White, Operations Manager, City of Richmond
Danielle DeHart, Environmental Specialist, City of Roanoke
Michael Vernon, Director of Business Development, The Flood Fixer

Denise Nelson, PE, CFM, EnvSP, LEED AP, Environmental Engineer, The Berkley Group
Susannah Smith, Zoning Administrator, Town of Warrenton

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Denise Nelson and Susannah Smith Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Ken Somerset Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Jonet Prevost-White Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Danielle DeHart Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Michael Vernon Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Denise Nelson Presentation

1:30–3:30 pm Afternoon Sessions — Workshops for Creating Resilient Communities

Workshop Co-Leaders
Maureen Roskoski, CFM, SFP, LEED AP O+M, ISO 22301 Lead Auditor, Facility Engineering Associates PC
Ryan Snow, Director, Market Transformation + Development, USGBC

Presenters will address making electric vehicles and renewables more affordable for homeowners and the University of Virginia’s role in moving their community toward alternative-fueled vehicles. Visit the alternative fueled vehicles on display.

Aaron Sutch, Executive Director, VA Solar United Neighbors — Affordable Decarbonizing with EVs and Renewables
Mike Duffy, Transportation Operations and Fleet Manager, Facilities Management, UVA, and Jesse Warren, PE Sustainability Program Manager, Buildings and Operations, UVA — Driving Change at the Community Level
Cassie Powers, NASEO
Mike Raschid, Perrone Robotics (invited)

Moderator Laura Allen, Generation180

Learn about this guideline for making communities more equitable, sustainable and resilient, with local and regional examples.

Workshop Leader Hilari Varnadore, USGBC

Eligible for GBCI Continuing Education Credits

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Hilari Varnadore Presentation

A presentation on a collaborative Smithsonian and Piedmont Environmental Council effort that provides insight into how to balance growth while maintaining rural roots, sustainability, and ecological health.

Workshop Co-Presenters
Carlyle Howard, Director of Communications, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Sean Tubbs, Field Representative, Piedmont Environmental Council

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Carlyle Howard Presentation

Resilient Virginia 2019 ConferenceClick to launch Sean Tubbs Presentation

3:30–4:00 pm Ice Cream Social and Conference Closing — Breakout Session Area

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Register today to reserve limited seating. Online registration only through July 12!

  • Non-Profit/Academic/Individual: $175
  • Government: $225
  • Business: $300
  • Student Registration: $30
  • JUST ADDED – ONE DAY REGISTRATION (Go to Eventbrite registration, scroll to the bottom of the Individual registration option, register for Day One or Day Two)

NOTE: An additional fee will apply for on-site registrations.

Full registration includes two days of plenary and breakout sessions, exhibit hall access, and breakfast, lunch, breaks, and an evening reception.


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“Amazing to see such a gathering in Virginia!”
“Amazing to see such a gathering in Virginia!”

Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities

Exhibitor tables are filled! Find out about Sponsor opportunities here!

The 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference is an opportunity to showcase your organization’s resiliency products, services, and programs to a highly focused audience.

Sponsors will receive extensive publicity before and during the conference, as well as an exhibit booth, presentation opportunities, and a special reception.


Thanks to these sponsors! (As of 6/15)

Resiliency Visionary

Environmental Resilience Institute, University of Virginia

Resiliency Champion

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Resiliency Leaders

Perkins + Will Piedmont Environmental Council
Sun Tribe Solar Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (VA DHCD)
Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy Virginia Resources Authority (VRA)

Resiliency Supporters

2rw Birch Studio
Cardno Charlottesville Climate Collaborative
Dominion Electric Vehicles Generation 180
Hazen and Sawyer Secure Futures
Sobis, Inc. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

Resilient Friend

Abacus / Virginia PACE Authority

Breakfast Sponsor

Facility Engineering Associates

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The 2017 Resilient Virginia Conference was "a truly fantastic event!”
The 2017 Resilient Virginia Conference was “a truly fantastic event!”

Resilient Virginia Conference Partners (As of 5/23)

Leaders in Energy
USGBC Virginia
Virginia Clean Cities
Virginia Association of Counties (VACO)
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy
Virginia Municipal League (VML)

Planning Committee

Conference Planning Committee

We are pleased that our Conference Planning Committee includes representatives from national organizations, state and local government, the private sector, and academia.

Annette Osso, LEED AP, Managing Director, Resilient Virginia

Committee Members
Elizabeth Andrews, Virginia Coastal Policy Center, W&M
Sharon Baxter, VA Department of Environmental Quality
Nell Boyle, City of Roanoke
Curtis Brown, Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Bob Burkholder, ClarkNexsen
Chase Counts, Community Housing Partners
Nicole Duimstra, Secure Futures
Jerry Eastridge, GSPH LLC
Jonah Fogel, UVA Environmental Resilience Institute
Jane Frantz, Dewberrry
Tracy Garland, Resilient Virginia
Ellen Graap Loth, Cardno
Jill Greiner, City of Charlottesville
Alleyn Harned, VA Clean Cities
Zane Havens, ClarkNexsen
Mary Carlyle Howard, Smithsonian Institution Changing Landscapes Initiative
Lisa Jeffrey, Hazen and Sawyer
Robin Jones, VA DMME
Rebecca Joyce, Central Shenandoah PDC
James Keck, Virginia Commonwealth University
Angela King, Virginia Coastal Policy Center, W&M
John McCarthy, Piedmont Environmental Council
Chris McDonald, Virginia Association of Counties
Denise McFadden, 2rw Consulting
Tonya Neaves, George Mason University
Denise Nelson, The Berkley Group
Speaker Pollard, Williams Mullen
Marci Posey, Small Business Administration
Meghan Quinn, VA Department of Environmental Quality
Michael Reilly, Slow Money
Kristel Riddervold, City of Charlottesville
Cliona Robb, Christian & Barton
Monica Rokicki, Better Building Works
Maureen Roskoski, Facilities Engineering Associates PC
William Scarpinato, AECOM
Ryan Snow, USGBC Resilience
Andy Sorrell, Tobacco Commission
Sarah Spengeman, Health Care Without Harm
Janice Stroud-Bickes, USDA Rural Development
Steve Sunderman, Terrazia
Erin Sutton, City of Virginia Beach
Robbie Talbert, VA Department of Forestry
Sirirat Tavanapong, Jacobs
Vestal Tutterow, Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory
Matt Wade, VA Clean Cities
Tod Wickersham, Beneficial Results
Cindy Zork, USGBC Virginia

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Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
The 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference takes place on July 18–19 at the Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia.

Conference Venue Information

The Darden Inn rooms reserved for the Resilient Virginia Conference are no longer available. We suggest using a search site such as this one to find other options for hotels near the UVA Darden School.

The conference venue for 2019 is the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. We are pleased to hold this event at a facility with a significant commitment to sustainable business practices that include physical and operational improvements, such as composting, recycling, and energy-use reduction, to reduce environmental impact. Darden is now a zero-carbon facility, due to its commitment to purchase the entire output of a 160-acre solar facility, and plans to be a carbon-neutral enterprise by 2020. Darden was awarded the Virginia Green Travel Star Award in recognition of its accomplishments.

Map and Directions to Darden School of Business

Conference Center Location

Darden School of Business
University of Virginia
100 Darden Boulevard
Charlottesville, Virginia 22903

Hotel Information

The UVA Inn at Darden is the official host of the 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference and we invite you to stay on‑site. Participants can take advantage of a special $129 per night rate at UVA Inn at Darden. This special rate includes daily gourmet breakfast buffet, high-speed WiFi, and garage parking.

There are three easy ways to reserve your room at UVA Inn at Darden:

1) Book directly online at

2) Call our Gatehouse Staff at 434-297-7384

3) Email our Gatehouse Staff at

Please reference “Resilient Virginia” if calling or emailing our team.

Reservation Deadline is June 15.

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Contact info

For more information on the 2019 Resilient Virginia Conference, please contact:

Annette Osso, LEED AP, Managing Director, Resilient Virginia
Mobile: (703) 629-1650
Mail: Resilient Virginia
PO Box 6539
Arlington, VA 22206

Registration Questions? Please send an email to Tracy Garland, Social Media Director, at

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The Resilience Calendar

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  • EPA National Environmental Justice Engagement Call
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    Location: Virtual

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