Until further notice, this project is on hold and we are not accepting applications.
Request for Proposals
Building Community Capacity for Climate Justice in Ward 2, Lynchburg, VA (“Lynchburg Rising”)
Resilient Virginia managed a 2022 grant for an EPA Environmental Justice project in Lynchburg during 2022-2023. This project identified and worked with under-served communities in Lynchburg to help mitigate flooding, heat island effect, and water quality issues. Four neighborhoods with vulnerable populations in Ward 2 were identified with flooding and heat island issues. Neighborhood meetings were held which allowed residents to provide personal experiences of stormwater, climate, and environmental impacts to these communities. Other results of these meetings included an expressed desire to continue the conversation and develop practical solutions for implementation.
The 2024 EPA Environmental Justice project in Lynchburg will build on this experience. It will further develop leadership capacity among low-income, minority residents in Lynchburg Ward 2 to enable them to more effectively address the increased effects of climate change including flooding and extreme heat and other adverse impacts to health, safety and economic well-being. The project elements include: data collection to assemble the latest hazard, climate, and demographic data for Ward 2 in Lynchburg and choosing one neighborhood as the focus of the project; community engagement in the chosen neighborhood to build a community vision and establish goals for accomplishing climate justice; community capacity building and leadership development through workshops on climate justice, environmental, and governance topics; and development of a process for environmental justice representatives to have input in regional resiliency planning.
Consultant Scope of Work
The main tasks for the Community Engagement Consultant are: Develop and carry out community engagement meetings to build a community vision and establish goals for addressing local climate-related issues and accomplishing climate justice; facilitate community capacity building and leadership development through technical and climate justice workshops; and work with community and government stakeholders to develop a process for environmental justice representatives to have input into regional resiliency planning.
The Community Engagement Consultant will also participate in monthly virtual planning meetings with the core team and periodic (up to 10) meetings with the EPA Project Officer.
Neighborhood Selection –
Assist with analysis of community data and decision on which neighborhood in Ward 2 will be chosen for this project
Community engagement –
Take the lead on planning and facilitation of seven community visioning and goal-setting meetings and assist with planning and carrying out three educational workshops
Final Meetings –
Take the lead on planning and facilitation of final meetings with community members, government, and other partners to collaboratively develop a roadmap for additional steps moving forward.
Planning & EPA Meetings –
Attend monthly virtual planning meetings with the core team and periodic (up to 10) meetings with the EPA Project Officer.
Qualifications/Past Experience
- 5-8 years of experience, or equivalent combination of education and years of experience with justice and equity in the context of environmental and climate areas;
- Strong understanding of the connection between state and local policy and governance and equity challenges;
- Proven capacity to communicate and work with cultural, racial, and ethnic minority communities;
- Understanding of the Justice 40 federal program goals;
- Proven record of experience with working across sectors (community, government, university, private) to develop shared understanding of issues to work toward solutions;
- Familiarity with Lynchburg and Central Virginia PDC governance or similar local and regional communities;
- Familiarity with qualitative research methodology;
- Ability to meet reporting requirements of US EPA grants.
Responses to this RFP
Please provide the following information:
- Work approach
- Qualifications/past experience
- Cost – The project will be set up to pay on a per major milestone basis with details to be developed post contract. Please note the maximum allowable hourly rate is $86.95/hr (per EPA requirements) and total payment to the Community Engagement Consultant cannot exceed $38,258. Any additional costs (such as travel) will not be included as separate items.
- Timeline – This is a 24 month project (November 1, 2024 – October 31, 2026) with expected work for the Community Engagement Consultant to begin March 1, 2025. Please indicate your availability in this timeframe.
- Key staff – provide a bio of the key staff who will participate in the project.
This is a competitive RFP process and proposals will be considered against a range of factors, including cost effectiveness.
Contract Terms
Resilient Virginia requests responses to the RFP to be provided to Jessica Steelman, Executive Director, Resilient Virginia (Steelman@ResilientVirginia.org) by COB on February 16, 2025. This will be a 20-month contract beginning March 1, 2025.