- Coming Soon: PrepareAthon at the Science Museum
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Mark Your Calendar for the August 27 Science Museum of Virginia’s PrepareAthon
It’s Free, It’s Family Friendly. It’s Fun.
PrepareAthon 2016, taking place Saturday, August 27, will offer participants activities and information focused on emergency preparedness; sustainable lifestyle options such as energy saving homes, local food, healthy lifestyles, and stormwater; and adaptation strategies such as installing solar or wind systems. Meet your local emergency responders, including Richmond Fire and Emergency Services and Red Cross representatives. There will be hands-on workshops — for example you can build your own emergency preparedness kit or rain barrel — and a variety of hands-on activities for children and adults.
You can also take a pledge to become a “Resiliency Star,” by visiting the exhibits and checking off what you have learned on the Science Museum’s Resiliency Checklist.
Find out more about activities being offered and sign up for free workshops at http://smv.org/upcoming-events/preparathon.
The PrepareAthon is an annual activity of the Science Museum of Virginia’s Climate Connections Learn, Prepare, Act Program, a three-year initiative. Resilient Virginia is pleased to be a partner with the Science Museum of Virginia for these programs, as well as George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and WCVE-Community Idea Stations.
Thanks to Our 2016 Annual Sponsors
Read Up on Resiliency — Resilient Virginia Provides More Resources
You can find newly posted resiliency publications on the Resilient Virginia website that highlight some of the resources from the 2016 Resilient Virginia Conference and that address economic aspects of resiliency planning. For your late summer reading list, here are the most recently posted publications.
From the Conference:
- Norfolk Resiliency Plan
- NIST Community Resilience Planning Guide for Buildings and Infrastructure
- Climate Change Adaptation for Agriculture
- Nature Conservancy Guide for Incorporating Ecosystem Service Valuation into Coastal Restoration Projects
- Colorado’s Resiliency Framework
- Climate, Environment and Readiness Plan for Virginia’s George Washington Region
- Report on Virginia’s Water Resources Management Activities
- Envision Rating System for Sustainable Infrastructure
- Agricultural Development Board Guide
Publications that address the economic aspects of resiliency:
- Risky Business, The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States
- Climate Change: Cost of Inaction for Maryland’s Economy
- Resilient Cities, A Grosvenor Research Report
You can read summary articles about these publications, written by our Summer Intern, Allison Meade (Cornell University), here or go directly to the Resource section of our website to access the complete publications.
Highlighted this month:
August 18, 8:00–9:30 AM: Resiliency and Sustainable Building Presentation — Hear about the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s Brock Center hosted by Viridiant.
In-person: 8:00–9:30 AM at Gather, 409 E. Main St, Richmond, VA 23219 ($5)
Webinar: 11 AM–12 PM ($10)
In the midst of the 2016 hurricane season, join us as we explore resiliency standards, how one organization is currently incorporating resiliency into our buildings and further opportunities to design and construct resilient communities. Guest presenters, Rebecca LePrell, Virginia Office Executive Director and Chris Gorri, Brock Center Manager of The Chesapeake Bay Foundation, will present a case study on the Brock Center in Virginia Beach.
To Register: www.viridiant.org/event/lecture-resiliency-sustainable-building
Check our event calendar on a regular basis to find resiliency oriented events happening in Virginia and virtually through webinars.
Support Resilient Virginia’s goals to:
- INFORM diverse leaders from government, business, and the community about natural, climate-related and man-made risks and vulnerabilities;
- EDUCATE key groups about the models for community resiliency planning;
- ACTIVATE Virginia communities by providing tools to engage in resiliency planning.
Take one of the following actions today:
- Join as an Annual Member,
- Sign up as an Annual Sponsor,
- Go to GoodSearch or GoodShop and designate Resilient Virginia to receive donations every time you search or shop.
Thanks to our recent new members and supporters!
City of Norfolk
William Thompson, Vulcan Materials Co.