Local Resources for Lynchburg Communities
The City of Lynchburg’s Flood Awareness webpage has a lot of information for local residents, including:
- Flood Safety
- Flood Protection
- Know Your Flood Risk
- Insure Your Property
- Protect Natural Floodplains
- Build Responsibly
Lynchburg Alerts: Register to get critical information about emergencies
Lynchburg Climate Resilience: Learn about the Heat Mapping Study done by Randolph College, University of Lynchburg, and Sweet Briar College.
Other Resources
Fighting Redlining and Climate Change with Transformative Climate Communities (published by The Greenlighting Institute)
Equity in Building Resilience in Adaptation Planning (published by the NAACP)
Disaster Recovery and Resiliency Resources: A Guide for Rural Communities (published by the USDA)
Business Ready: Inland Flooding Toolkit (published by Ready.gov)
Reopening Outdoor Public Spaces After Flooding (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Protecting Outdoor Workers from Heat Illness (Heat.gov)