As part of the Lynchburg Rising project, Resilient Virginia partnered with Sobis Inc and Leslie King Consulting to host neighborhood meetings in the Lynchburg neighborhoods of Diamond Hill, Fairview Heights, Tinbridge Hill, and White Rock Hill. These meetings, held between December 2022 and April 2023, were well attended by community members and included a moderated discussion to learn about the strengths of the community and listen to residents’ concerns.
We are continuing the conversation on April 14th at a neighborhood roundtable event held in conjunction with Many Voices One Community’s Race and Social Justice Conference. Residents from all 4 neighborhoods are invited to join the discussion. Anyone interested in attending the roundtable is asked to RSVP to MVOCVA@GMAIL.COM.
Immediately after the roundtable event, attendees are invited to join us for heavy hors d’oeuvres and casual conversation at the Race and Social Justice Conference reception. Attendance to the conference is free and all community members are welcome to register.
Stay Tuned
Following the roundtable discussion, we will pull together all of the data collected at these meetings. Stay tuned for this report.