Accelerating resiliency planning in communities across the Commonwealth


Lynchburg Rising Project Culminates at Race and Social Justice Conference

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Lynchburg Rising Project Culminates at Race and Social Justice Conference

Home » Programs » Lynchburg Rising » Lynchburg Rising Project Culminates at Race and Social Justice Conference
The Lynchburg Rising project concluded with the 7th Annual Race and Social Justice Conference.

In Lynchburg, flood occurrences, water contamination, and extreme temperature have been identified as current hazards which, due to climate change, will likely be exacerbated. The Lynchburg Rising project, funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Justice, engaged historically disinvested neighborhoods in the City, which are disproportionately impacted by these hazards, to better understand their risks and to develop community capacity to address them. This project built on existing sustainability and resilience work being conducted in Lynchburg.

Current Work in Lynchburg

In 2008, the City of Lynchburg developed a Sustainable Vision to create a diverse community working together to promote a healthy and sustainable City with social, cultural, economic, and environmental vitality, now and for future generations. This vision is incorporated in the City’s 2013-2030 Comprehensive Plan.

The Lynchburg Regional Community Resilience Coalition,  an informal group of professionals and community stakeholders, has been working to coordinate efforts and align community goals and strategies to promote resilience to climate change and its impacts in South-Central Virginia. 

In 2021, two Lynchburg universities – University of Lynchburg and Randolph College – participated in Virginia Heat Watch. This was a collaborative effort between twelve institutions in the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC) to map and analyze heat islands and vulnerabilities in their communities. The University of Lynchburg, Randolph College, and VFIC are now partnering with the Virginia Department of Forestry, Lynchburg City Schools, and the City of Lynchburg to launch a Food Forest Pilot Project Collaboration. This new project will enhance green spaces in vulnerable communities to offset urban heat island effect.

Multiple Lynchburg neighborhoods either have or are working on neighborhood plans, including two of the neighborhoods Lynchburg Rising worked with, Diamond Hill and Tinbridge Hill.

Advancing the Current Work Through Community Engagement

Lynchburg Rising is a collaborative effort between Resilient Virginia, Sobis Inc, Leslie King Consulting, the City of Lynchburg, the Central Virginia Planning District Commission, the University of Lynchburg, Randolph College, and the Jubilee Center. The project set out to advance the work currently taking place in Lynchburg with a focus on four vulnerable neighborhoods. In order to identify neighborhoods at risk, the team started by collecting data to assemble the latest hazard, climate, and demographic vulnerabilities. Data used included:

  • Redline maps (digitized)
  • Lynchburg property data
  • Water resources data
    • Water/Sewer connections
    • Drainage infrastructure
    • Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs)
  • Neighborhood maps
  • Heat island data (3 time periods)
  • FEMA floodplains (100- and 500-year)
  • Dam inundation maps
  • Census data
  • Health data (CDC)
From this data collection, the team chose four at-risk communities to work with: Diamond Hill, Fairview Heights, Tinbridge Hill, and White Rock Hill. Partnering with community based organizations, neighborhood ambassadors, and an equity consultant, meetings were held in each neighborhood between December 2022 and April 2023. Community members were brought together in small groups to discuss the hazards they face and identify other community stressors. This gave them the opportunity to:
  • Identify ways to reduce impacts in a manner that would be acceptable to their communities; and
  • Diminish the possibility of the jurisdiction developing solutions in a vacuum and trying to implement those solutions in neighborhoods that are not yet invested in the process.
Throughout the project, the Lynchburg Rising team worked to:
  • Cultivate the conditions for collaboration between community members, community based organizations, and local government;
  • Strengthen the environmental justice community’s capacity to address flooding and water quality in Lynchburg;
  • Help ensure equity concerns are included in future local resilience planning; and
  • Increase transparency and public participation in the planning process by incorporating the environmental justice community into the process of finding out about hazards that are being magnified by climate change.

Neighborhood Meetings and Community Engagement

Resilient Virginia participated in the neighborhood meetings as unbiased facilitators, sharing climate risk and hazard information with the residents. The meetings were led by an equity consultant (and Lynchburg resident) and a City representative was also present at the meetings to share a little about what they’re doing.

At the meetings, the Lynchburg Rising team openly recognized the systemic inequities (such as redlining) that put the neighborhoods at higher risk of experiencing greater impacts of climate change and worked to create a safe space for community members to discuss their issues and concerns. Community members were open and honest about their experiences at the meetings, sharing what they consider to be the strengths and assets of their community and the issues they continually face. It was important for the team to not only learn about community members’ issues and concerns, but also to learn about the strengths and assets of each community as these can impact possible solutions to climate hazards and risks.

In addition to neighborhood meetings, Lynchburg Rising spent time reaching out to the community as a whole, educating residents about climate risks and hazards. This was done in various places around town and helped gather information on the citizens’ attitudes toward resilience planning.

The Lynchburg Rising project concluded with the 7th Annual Race and Social Justice Conference. Resilient Virginia partnered with Many Voices One Community and the University of Lynchburg to host the conference and kicked off the conference with a Lynchburg Rising Roundtable Discussion.

Next Steps

All data collected, issues and concerns voiced by the residents, assets and strengths identified are now being compiled into a report to submit to the City of Lynchburg.

Resilient Virginia plans to maintain these relationships in the future by continuing to seek  opportunities to expand the Resilient Lynchburg coalition’s work to undertake community-wide  resiliency planning, while supporting social equity perspectives, and helping to ensure that  diverse community voices are heard as the city and region move forward on plans to address climate hazards and socio-economic stressors.

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The Resilience Calendar

  • VAEE Annual Conference
    Date: February 9, 2025
    Location: Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, VA 24011, USA

    Virginia Association for Environmental Education Annual Conference

    Learn more and register here.

  • Examining Rural Places, Disability, and Underserved Populations in Disaster
    Date: February 11, 2025
    Location: Virtual

    This webinar will feature emerging scholars and Bill Anderson Fund Fellows who examine critical issues at the intersection of rural places, disasters, and underserved populations.

    Learn more and register More details...

  • Comprehensive Climate Action Plan(CCAP) Community Listening Session - Northern Region
    Date: February 11, 2025
    Location: Virginia Department of Environmental Quality - Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Ct, Woodbridge, VA 22193, USA

    Throughout spring 2025, the DEQ Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) team will
    be implementing its community engagement strategy to solicit feedback on the
    development of the CCAP.

    More details...

  • Engaging Inclusivity in Regional Development
    Date: February 13, 2025
    Location: Virtual

    UEDA is hosting a special post-summit, virtual discussion that will feature the 2024 UEDA Awards of Excellence winners in the Engaged University and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) categories, and the judges award.

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