Accelerating resiliency planning in communities across the Commonwealth


Resilient Virginia’s 2021 Conference delivered the tools,
information, and networking opportunities you need
to help build resiliency in your community.

The past year’s COVID experiences have highlighted the need for inclusive resiliency plans that integrate health, social, and economic concerns with ever-increasing climate change impacts. The conference brought national and local perspectives on solutions being formulated to address vulnerabilities while moving forward to create a more economically sound and equitable future.

Resilient Virginia’s 2021 Conference delivered the tools, information, and networking opportunities you need to help build resiliency in your community.

The past year’s COVID experiences have highlighted the need for inclusive resiliency plans that integrate health, social, and economic concerns with ever-increasing climate change impacts. The conference brought national and local perspectives on solutions being formulated to address vulnerabilities while moving forward to create a more economically sound and equitable future.

Conference recordings and slides are available for all Resilient Virginia Members.

See more information on the benefits of membership or join today!

Multiple Tracks
and Breakout Sessions

Our virtual event spanned three mornings on August 25, 26, and 27, and included multiple tracks and breakout sessions as well as plenary speakers to help you on the path toward resiliency. Plenary speakers included national and state experts on new initiatives that bolster the transition to a Clean Economy while rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure.

The plenary sessions also addressed the need to ensure equity is a core element of these initiatives, and illustrated the value of state support for local resiliency planning.

Breakout sessions:

  • highlighted the steps needed for infrastructure — transportation, buildings, energy systems, water and natural resources — to both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to climate adaptation strategies;
  • provided examples from urban and rural communities on approaches to resiliency that include climate risk assessments that lead to economic, health, and equity considerations; and
  • examined the accelerating opportunities for economic diversification and entrepreneurship to bolster a Clean Economy.

Workshops Focused on In-Depth Learning on Key Resiliency Topics

In addition, Day Three provided participants with the opportunity to engage in workshops that focused on in-depth learning on key resiliency topics, including

  1. Technical tools for resiliency planning;
  2. Moving resiliency into existing local government plans; and
  3. Tools for ensuring equity is included in resiliency planning.

Green Jobs Forum and Career Fair

Leaders in EnergyNEW THIS YEAR! The conference included a virtual Green Jobs Forum and Career Fair, hosted by our partner organization, Leaders in Energy. The virtual platform allowed for job seekers to directly meet with prospective employers and submit resumes to the potential employers participating in the Career Fair. In addition, an afternoon Green Jobs Forum on August 26 featured information on the growing numbers of opportunities, and highlighted successful Green Job search efforts.

Confirmed Speakers

National Speakers

Krystal Laymon
Deputy Director for Climate Resilience
White House Council on Environmental Quality

Matthew Tejada
Director, Office of Environmental Justice
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Jim Fox
Senior Resilience Associate, NEMAC+Fernleaf

Dr. Kenneth Kunkel
North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies 

State Speakers

The Honorable Ralph S. Northam
Governor of the Commonweath of Virginia

Curtis Brown
State Coordinator, Virginia Department of Emergency Management

Ann C. Phillips
Rear Admiral, US Navy (Ret.)
Special Assistant to the Governor for Coastal Adaptation and Protection

Jeremy Hoffman, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist, Science Museum of Virginia

Angela Conroy
Air and Renewable Energy Planner, VA Dept. of Environmental Quality

Amanda Martin
Chief Resilience Officer
North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency/Rebuild NC

Shaun O’Rourke
Managing Director, Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank and
Rhode Island Chief Resilience Officer

Click Below for a Full List of Our Expert Resiliency Speakers from
Local Government, Private Sector, and Academic Institutions!

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Your company or organization has the opportunity to provide essential services and products to our attendees through the Sponsor or Exhibit options. Attendees will include representatives from state and local government, businesses, community and professional organizations, and academia.



Leaders in Energy will conduct its 8th Annual Green Jobs Forum & Career Fair on Thursday, August 26, 2021, from 1:30 – 6:30 pm EDT.

Our theme is “The Moment is Now for Green Jobs!” In the Forum, speakers will examine trends and opportunities for green jobs, those have landed green jobs will share their tips and advice for finding one, and recruiters in the green arena who provide their insights about the positions they are seeing.

In addition, the Career Fair will enable attendees to meet with green employers who are hiring and educators who are offering green certifications.  See the schedule further below.

This year, our Forum will be conducted with Resilient Virginia’s annual conference on August 25-27 titled “From Recovery to Resilience – Moving to Vibrant, Healthy and Equitable Communities.”

Registration includes the 3-day Resilient Virginia conference.  We are continuing to add to our list of Career Fair Exhibitors.  See 7 reasons to exhibit here.

Meet Our Sponsors & Exhibitors

Green Jobs Forum Sponsor

Career Fair Exhibitors

Advanced Biofuels USA

Brown and Caldwell

Career Confidence

CleanChoice Energy

Concurrent Technologies Corporation

Green Corps

Leaders in Energy

National Wildlife Federation EcoCareers

The George Washington University’s Environmental and Energy Management Institute (EEMI)

University of Virginia Sustainable Business Certificate Program

Virginia Department of Environmental Quality

Virginia Tech Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability

Questions? Contact Us

For information on Sponsor Opportunities, please contact:

Jessica Steelman, Executive Director:

For information on the Planning Committee, please contact:

Trish Porter, Programs and Communications Director: